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Shonan Challenge

In this tutorial we will develop a solution to the HMM problem from the Shonan Challenge.

The task is to implement a sparse matrix vector product, where the matrix is statically known but the vector is not. This situation comes up in hidden markov models (HMM), where a single transition matrix is multiplied by many different observation vectors. Therefore, it pays off to generate code that is specialized to a particular matrix.

For further reference, see:


package scala.lms.tutorial

import scala.lms.common._
import scala.reflect.SourceContext

class ShonanTest extends TutorialFunSuite {
  val under = ""
  val A = scala.Array

We first define our static matrix. We notice that some rows are dense, some rows are sparse, and some rows contain only zeroes.

  val a =
    A(A(1, 1, 1, 1, 1), // dense
      A(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), // null
      A(0, 0, 1, 0, 0), // sparse
      A(0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
      A(0, 0, 1, 0, 1))

STEP 0: starting point

We start with a fully static implementation.

  test("shonan-hmm1a") {

    def matrix_vector_prod(a: Array[Array[Int]], v: Array[Int]) = {
      val n = a.length
      val v1 = new Array[Int](n)

      for (i <- (0 until n)) {
        for (j <- (0 until n)) {
          v1(i) = v1(i) + a(i)(j) * v(j)

    // let's run it on some static input:

    val v = A(1,1,1,1,1)

    val v1 = matrix_vector_prod(a, v)
    val result = v1.mkString(",")

    check("shonan-hmm1a", result)

We get a concrete vector as result:


STEP 0.5: static vs dynamic conditional

Now we add basic code generation facilities and, as a recap of how LMS works, play with static vs dynamic expressions.

  test("shonan-hmm1b") {
    val snippet = new DslDriver[Array[Int],Array[Int]] {
      def snippet(v: Rep[Array[Int]]) = {

        val x = 100 - 5

        if (x > 10) {

    check("shonan-hmm1b", snippet.code)

The condition above is fully static, so it does not show up in the generated code:

Emitting Generated Code
class Snippet extends ((Array[Int])=>(Array[Int])) {
  def apply(x0:Array[Int]): Array[Int] = {
    val x1 = println("hello")
End of Generated Code

If we change the condition to depend on the (dynamic) input array, an if/else statement will be generated.

   test("shonan-hmm1b_dyn") {
    val snippet = new DslDriver[Array[Int],Array[Int]] {
      def snippet(v: Rep[Array[Int]]) = {

        val x = 100 - v.length

        if (x > 10) {

    check("shonan-hmm1b_dyn", snippet.code)

Notice the if/else statement in the generated code.

Emitting Generated Code
class Snippet extends ((Array[Int])=>(Array[Int])) {
  def apply(x0:Array[Int]): Array[Int] = {
    val x1 = x0.length
    val x2 = 100 - x1
    val x3 = x2 > 10
    val x6 = if (x3) {
      val x4 = println("hello")
    } else {
End of Generated Code

Aside: LMS relies on Scala's local type inference to propagate dynamic expressions (Rep types) automatically within a method, and on Scala's type checker to ensure the binding times (dynamic vs static) are consistent.

Aside: In the snippet, the if/else statement with the dynamic condition is peculiar, because its condition is not a plain Boolean but a Rep[Boolean]. Hence, LMS also relies on virtualization of control structures to overload the meaning of control structures such as if/else and while – in the same way that the for syntax is overloaded in Scala.

STEP 1: Staging the matrix vector product

We want to change the matrix_vector_prod function to take a dynamic vector and a static matrix. We move it into the DslDriver trait so that it can use Rep.

We generate nested loops by default (type Rep[Range]). This means that the loop index becomes a Rep[Int] value. To access the static matrix, we need to lift it to a Rep value as well. We accomplish this with the help of staticData.

We also need to replace new Array with NewArray: instead of creating an array at staging time, we want to generate code to create a the array.

Now we can play with the loop shapes: Range loops are computed statically, i.e. unrolled at staging time. Rep[Range] loops cause generation of loop code.

We can make unrolling decisions in a very fine-grained manner: for dense rows we want to generate a loop, for sparse rows we want to unroll. We just add a condition sparse and dispatch to either a Range or a Rep[Range] loop.

  test("shonan-hmm1c") {
    val snippet = new DslDriver[Array[Int],Array[Int]] {
      def snippet(v: Rep[Array[Int]]) = {

        def matrix_vector_prod(a0: Array[Array[Int]], v: Rep[Array[Int]]) = {
          val n = a0.length
          val a = staticData(a0)
          val v1 = NewArray[Int](n)

          for (i <- (0 until n):Range) {
            val sparse = a0(i).count(_ != 0) < 3
            if (sparse) {
              for (j <- (0 until n):Range) {
                v1(i) = v1(i) + a(i).apply(j) * v(j)
            } else {
              for (j <- (0 until n):Rep[Range]) {
                v1(i) = v1(i) + a(i).apply(j) * v(j)

        val v1 = matrix_vector_prod(a, v)
    check("shonan-hmm1c", snippet.code)

Looking at the generated code, we can easily see that we get a while loop for row 0, which is dense, no operations for row 1, and an unrolled loop for row 2, which is sparse:

Emitting Generated Code
class Snippet(px6:Array[Int]) extends ((Array[Int])=>(Array[Int])) {
  def apply(x0:Array[Int]): Array[Int] = {
    val x2 = new Array[Int](5)
    val x6 = px6 // static data: Array(1,1,1,1,1)
    var x4 : Int = 0
    val x13 = while (x4 < 5) {
      val x5 = x2(0)
      val x7 = x6(x4)
      val x8 = x0(x4)
      val x9 = x7 * x8
      val x10 = x5 + x9
      val x11 = x2(0) = x10
      x4 = x4 + 1
    val x14 = x2(1)
    val x17 = x2(1) = x14
    val x22 = x2(2)
    val x24 = x2(2) = x22
    val x19 = x0(2)
    val x25 = x22 + x19
    val x26 = x2(2) = x25
    val x27 = x2(3)
    val x29 = x2(3) = x27
    val x30 = x2(4)
    val x32 = x2(4) = x30
    val x33 = x30 + x19
    val x34 = x2(4) = x33
    val x21 = x0(4)
    val x35 = x33 + x21
    val x36 = x2(4) = x35
End of Generated Code

STEP 2: Conditional unrolling

The code duplication of the loop body above is not very nice. Fortunately, we can create arbitrary staging-time abstractions. Here, we create an auxiliary method unrollIf that captures the conditional unrolling pattern in a general way. The matrix_vector_prod function no longer needs to express the loop body twice.

The generated code is identical: “abstraction without regret” FTW!

  test("shonan-hmm1d") {
    val snippet = new DslDriver[Array[Int],Array[Int]] {
      def snippet(v: Rep[Array[Int]]) = {

        def unrollIf(c:Boolean,r: Range) = new {
          def foreach(f: Rep[Int] => Rep[Unit]) = {
            if (c) for (j <- (r.start until r.end):Range)      f(j)
            else   for (j <- (r.start until r.end):Rep[Range]) f(j)

        def matrix_vector_prod(a0: Array[Array[Int]], v: Rep[Array[Int]]) = {
          val n = a0.length
          val a = staticData(a0)
          val v1 = NewArray[Int](n)

          for (i <- (0 until n):Range) {
            val sparse = a0(i).count(_ != 0) < 3
            for (j <- unrollIf(sparse, 0 until n)) {
              v1(i) = v1(i) + a(i).apply(j) * v(j)

        val v1 = matrix_vector_prod(a, v)
    check("shonan-hmm1d", snippet.code)

What's next?

Go back to the tutorial index or continue with the Regular Expression Matcher.

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